SB 782 (Limón) Transparency in Gubernatorial Appointments

Our work to Ensure Transparency in Gubernatorial Appointments

Since 2021, HOPE has partnered with Senator Monique Limón and sponsored legislation to require demographic reporting on Gubernatorial appointments. Previous iterations have passed through the Legislature but have unfortunately been vetoed.

In response to the latest veto in October of 2023, HOPE embarked on an analysis of the demographic data of gubernatorial appointees made publicly available via press release posted on the Governor’s website. While the Governor has achieved near gender parity in the appointments made by his office in 2023 and has made strides in appointing more people of color, HOPE’s analysis shows that diverse voices remain underrepresented. White Californians continued to hold the plurality of these positions at 52%, while Latinos (17%), Black (11%), AAPI (8%), and Native American Californians (2%) collectively make up 39%. The report highlights that more needs to be done to ensure our boards and commissions reflect the diversity of our state and demonstrates the impact that demographic reporting can have on identifying representation gaps in leadership.

Given these findings, Senator Limón reintroduced legislation this year, in the form of SB 782, to continue this crucial transparency work. Despite being a caucus priority for the Latino, LGBTQ+, AAPI and Women’s legislative caucuses and receiving bipartisan support in the Legislature, Governor Newsom has once again vetoed SB 782. In his veto message, Governor Newsom acknowledged the importance of the increased accessibility that public reporting would provide, affirming that this goal can only be realized by also requiring reporting on legislative appointments. He has committed to supporting legislation next year that includes the same transparency requirements for appointments by both the Administration and the Legislature.

HOPE remains committed to advocating for transparency and equity in appointments and will continue working to ensure that all communities have a voice at decision-making tables.


Read the Press Release

SB 782 (Limón)

SB 782 requires the Governor’s Office, on or before January 1, 2027 and annually thereafter, to report the aggregate demographic information of individuals appointed by the Governor. The bill requires the report to be published on the Governor’s website and for the Governor’s office to maintain an updated website with information on all state boards and commissions, including vacancies, current membership list, and frequency of meetings.

California Gubernatorial Appointments Report

In an effort to shed light on the demographic landscape of California’s gubernatorial appointments, HOPE’s comprehensive analysis provides crucial insights into the diversity and representation within the Governor’s appointed boards, commissions, and task forces in 2023. While the Governor achieved near gender parity in the appointments made by his office in 2023, our analysis shows that diverse voices remained underrepresented, particularly Latino and AAPI Californians. White Californians continued to hold the plurality of these positions at 52%, while Latinos, Black, AAPI, and Native American individuals make up 39% combined.

Key Dates

  • Assembly Appropriations Committee

    Since the bill has a fiscal impact, it is on the Assembly suspense file. The suspense hearing will be on August 15th which will determine whether SB 782 moves forward in this legislative session.

  • Assembly Floor

    If approved by the Appropriations committee, SB 782 will advance to the Assembly floor. The bill needs to be approved by at least 41/80 Assemblymembers and sent to the Senate for their approval.

  • Senate Floor

    Both houses need to vote on the same bill in its final form. Since SB 782 was amended in the Assembly, the Senate will need to vote to concur on those changes. This will be the last step before it is sent to the Governor’s desk.

  • Governor’s Desk Deadline

    The bill needs to be sent to the Governor’s desk by August 31. He then has 30 days to take action on the bill.

  • Signature

    Last day for the Governor to sign or veto any legislation. We’re hopeful to secure his signature this year!

Words of Support

SB 782 is a Priority Bill for the California AAPI, Latino, LGBTQ, and Women’s Legislative Caucuses

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