HOPE Regional Institute and Leadership Hubs FAQ's

Frequently Asked Questions

Local Latina leaders who want to build their skills and network to influence public policy at the regional level. The ideal applicant will be a civically engaged resident of one of the target regions and demonstrate a record of readiness for an increasing leadership role in their respective community.

Participants will learn how to examine and use data to inform public policy, understand how public budgets get made, analyze the flow of power and influence, and explore immediate opportunities for local advocacy, appointments, and networking in the region. Each session will include the opportunity to practice these skills with experiential learning projects and case studies.

The program aims to equip participants with skills to create lasting change as leaders in education, healthcare, and economic development. This includes skills in inquiry, power mapping, data and policy analysis, budgeting, messaging and self-branding, organizing, getting appointed, unconscious bias training, and personal and team leadership development.

The cost to submit an application is $25. Upon acceptance to the program, participants are asked to make a $100 personal, one-time contribution to the Friends of HOPE Network. Participants are also responsible for travel costs to and from sessions, including any parking fees.

Yes, you can apply for a fee waiver in the application. The fee waiver will cover the mandatory $25 application cost and $100 personal contribution.

No, you must attend and participate in all four sessions.


Yes, students 20 years of age or older are welcome to apply.

Program sessions will be conducted in English.

20-25 individuals.

Participants should expect approximately 60 hours of instruction time across the four training sessions and four hours in between sessions for completion of prep assignments and readings.

No. For the first cohort of our HOPE Regional Institute, applications are only open to candidates who have not completed the HOPE Leadership Institute (HLI).


No, you must live and/or work in the region to which you are applying.

Yes. However, you can only be accepted to and participate in one program in the same cycle.

No, you may only apply to one and it must be where you are currently residing.

We hope to continue to grow our Regional Institute locations. Please fill out our interest form to stay connected!

Senior Program Manager, Lauren Salaiz, lsalaiz@latinas.org.

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